Imaginary Maggie Knits!

The creator of LadyHawk Nutrition blogspot not only works, entertains, finds time for family and friends, and operates a thriving nutritional consultation office on weekends, but she's crafty too!

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Location: Saugatuck, Michigan, United States


Friday, June 16, 2006

Workin' for the weekend

OMG! I’m turning into my friend Molly! I’m usually quite content at work, with occasional bouts of boredom and apathy, and a few times a year outright frustrated hate. But for the past couple of weeks I HATE MY JOB.

I have continuous daydreams of becoming a housewife, working out of my home, becoming a hermit, never having to deal with traffic, ordering everything off the internet (especially since our new UPS man Is. So. Cute.), dreading going to Holland for meat because the local grocery store’s meat is always rancid, running errands for my husband, babysitting my grandchildren, going to the movies, knitting everyday, reading everyday, having a lunch "out" seem like a special treat instead of just another day…

I even went to far as to ask my boss yesterday “Do you ever miss the good old days when there were only 3 or 4 of us in the office instead of 12+?” He laughed out loud, then he had to agree with me. Though he did say that we probably wouldn’t be in business yet if we were still small.

And I just have to sit myself down at these times and remind myself that it is just a job, and it allows me to live in the most beautiful house in America, drive a car that’s paid for, not worry about health insurance, gives me 4 weeks of paid vacation a year, gives me enough money to pay for vacations away from home during those 4 weeks, allows me to contribute money to worthy causes, and between my husband and me own 3 cars, one pick up truck and 4 motorcycles. The insurance alone is staggering! Having this job allows me to pursue and pay for a doctorates degree, the time to study, and money for books for the classes.

It is just a job, and at these times I have to realize all of the wonderful things it allows me to do. Like blogging.


Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

I'm so with you on this. There are times when I feel like jumping out the fifth floor window, but then I look at my life and all the benefits we receive by me staying at the cube farm, our beautiful condo, our nice vehicles, gluttonous amounts of yarn and I think well if I quit, I won't be living like this. Most of the time, that's enough to get my mind off the ledge...

16/6/06 4:25 PM  
Blogger ~drew emborsky~ said...

What happens when the American Dream comes true, but it's not at all what it is cracked up to be? I suppose that's when one just expresses gratitude for the bounty and keeps on keeping on. I think you're doing a great job and I admire that about you.

23/6/06 8:46 AM  

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