The Meandering Vacation: Chapter 9
After spending a wonderful day at the mermaid farm we drove to our good friends' house on Pine Island, which is just "inside" of Sanabel Island and isn't nearly to crowded. We both love Pine Island and spending time with Pete and Judy.
Soon after we arrived Judy fed us a fresh dinner of crab cakes and fresh veggies. Yummie!
The next day was Friday and I actually put on a slacks suit and drove to Napels to visit a couple of business customers. Yeah, I worked a day during vacation, but I didn't have to consider that day a vacation day. I got home late in the afternoon, showered and changed into nice, cool shorts and tank top, twisted up my hair, put on some lipstick and we all went to Octoberfest.
Yup, a German, a Irishman, and a couple of dutch women at a local Octoberfest. A giant tent with Oompa bands, polka bands, and lots of men in green shorts. It was 90 degrees, which is WAY too hot for us northerners, with carnival rides, at least 5 kinds of sausages, kraut, potatoes, and lots and lots of good strong beer. Wonderfully cool beer. 
Judy, Ron, and Pete in the heat.
Look at thoses rosy red cheeks, which had nothing to with the 90+ degree heat and massive quantities of beer.
These were tastey little bottles of fig flavored schnapps, which were served by scantily clad young girls on trays of ice to keep the liquor cold. Sooooooo nice.