Imaginary Maggie Knits!

The creator of LadyHawk Nutrition blogspot not only works, entertains, finds time for family and friends, and operates a thriving nutritional consultation office on weekends, but she's crafty too!

My Photo
Location: Saugatuck, Michigan, United States


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Kitty Pie Update

I told you about the Kitty Pie that I knitted, and I can finally show you pictures. Why so late? Well, it’s because although Pumpkin LOVED the K-Pie before I felted it, she didn’t spend a minute on it AFTER I felted it. Now, whether that was because she didn’t like it felted, or if it was too small, or if it smelled too clean, or if it was simply because summer had finally got here and it was just too warm… I don’t know. It may have been a combination of these things. But the bottom line was that although I had a “before felting” shot of her sleeping on the Kitty Pie I could not get a photo of her sleeping on the felted Kitty Pie.

Here is a “before” photo of Pumpkin sleeping happily on her Pie.

I do know that the summer heat must have had something to do with it (to my relief) because hours after I finally turned on the air conditioner last weekend (Hey, I’m Dutch you-all, and it’s gotta be dang hot for me to turn on the A.C.) there she was, sleeping almost happily on the K-Pie.

I have the Kitty Pie situated on a bench right inside my front door. She honestly sits there on weekday afternoons and waits for me to come home, staring longingly through the window at the squirrels, robins, and chipmunks. You know she’s not waiting for me as much as she is waiting for her supper.

You see here that she is half-in and half-out of the K-Pie. I think she would fit if she would try to, but it was still about 77 degree in my house. Once October comes around again I’ll bet some pie and coffee that she’ll curl up in a pretty bespotted ball and nap all day long!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I’m working on a new pair of socks. Just for myself! It’s out of the same 50% cashmere/50% silk blend that I did the chartreuse green socks in, but I’m making these in a nice medium gray. I’m using a patter that looks like a cable, but much smaller, so the stitch used is actually called a “twist” since you are twisting only 2 stitches around each other. I can’t wait to show you shots of the finished socks! And with the 50% silk they should be cool enough to wear in summer… when it’s not 95 degrees at least.

And yes, I’m one of those knitters that knits both socks at the same time; a few pattern repeats on one sock, then catch-up on the next sock.

I’ve also ordered some Lion Brand Yarn on-line to make a “Fisherman’s shrug”. I got the pattern for free on the Lion Brand website, and I also got a promotional free shipping coupon from them, so I’m like “Sweet! Free Shipping!”. Then when I went to order it guess what? That yarn was 15% off. Soooo Coooool.

I’m not going to do the shrug in off white like they suggested. I’m just not a vanilla kinda girl. I chose their “Pewter” color. Yup, me, must be in a medium gray mood. Don’t worry, by the time fall comes around again I’ll be all about Reds, Browns, and Pomegranate colors.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Drew's in PA

So where is The Crochet Dude and what is he doing in Pennsylvania? I wondered this myself and with a little help from Google… Ta da!

Oh! This Knit and Crochet Show sounds like fun. Scroll down to see the huge number of workshops and seminars of things us mere humans don’t even think about. Oh! How I wish I had the balls (which apparently Drew does have :p) to quit the Cube Pharm and make money doing what we LOVE to do! Knit and Crochet, of course. And also (for me at least) read and cook and give massages and help the occasional person solve their health and nutrition problems by picking out snippets of information from my library full of health and nutrition books.

OK, so you-all might not get into the health and nutrition thing like I do, but you-all probably have something similar that I wouldn’t have a clue about.

We can all still dream about being in PA this weekend!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hippy Birfday to Drew!

Today is The Crochet Dude’s birthday!

Woo-hoo Drew!
Who knew Drew
Would be so true?
To his “Anywho”
And stick like glue
To his blogging.

He’s kept us sane
In drought and rain
He’s no plain Jane
On Crochet Lane
(And not a bit vain)
While stash hogging.

Everything he makes
Like hamburger cakes
He shakes and bakes
His time he takes
He never fakes
Like he is dogging.

(OK, so I'm using a little artistic leniency on that last stanza.)

Noro Bobbi Bear wants to give Drew a big Birfday hug :p